album: "Urkraft" (2000)
1. Mjölnir2. Dryckeskväde
3. Sweoland Conqueror
4. Home Again
5. The Breaking Of Serenity
6. Eldfärd
7. Ways Of A Parasite
8. Jord
9. The Slumber Of Yesteryears
10. Till Valfader Urgammal
11. Urkraft
12. Over The Hills And Far Away
1. Mjölnir
Ett tecken för Svitjods styrka
En symbol för svunnen prakt
Enande för oss som funnit nordens sanna styrka
Enande för oss som ärar svunnen makt
Den kraftiga åska du bringar
Buren av guden som färdas av bockar dragen
Och när han Hrungners dod svingar
då ekar de mäktiga hammarslagen
[Chorus 1:]
Du som skapar det mäktigaste av dån
Du som dräpte Jordens gördel
Du som svingas av Jordens son
Du som äro tursars bödel
Ett vapen av stål som aldrig ger vika
Talet kring din styrka kanns oändligt
Vi din anda aldrig kunnat svika
Heimdalls söner dig bär ständigt.
Även nu då mången förlust är liden
Vi bär dig, av Sindre smiden
På bröstet vi dig stolt skall bära
Evigt trotsande varldslig fara
[Chorus 2:]
På bröstet vi dig stolt skall bära
Evigt trotsande världslig fara
Vi som nordens sanna ande ära
Vi som en dag till Valhall fara
Du, som Baldersbålet helgade
Du, som krossade de som Odens son vredgade
[English translation:]
A symbol of the Swedish kingdom's strength
A symbol of lost pride
Uniting for us who has found the north's true strength
Uniting for us who honour lost power
The mighty thunder, you bringst
Carried by the god, who travels dragged (in a chariot) by goats
And when he swings Hrungner's death
Then the mighty hammerblows echo
[Chours 1:]
You, who creates the might of thunder
You who slaid the girdle of earth
You, who is swung by earth's son
You, who are giant's executioner
A weapon of steel, that never gives in
The number of your strength seems to be endless
We, in your spirit never can fail
Sons of Heimdall carry you always
Even now when we have suffered great loss
We carry you, crafted by Sindre
On the chest, we shall proudly carry you
Eternally defying worldwide dangers
[Chorus 2:]
On the chest, we shall proudly carry you
Eternally defying worldwide dangers
We, who honour the nordic spirit
We, who one day shall travel to Valhall
You, who blessed Balder's pyre
You, who crushed whoever angered Odin's son
2. Dryckeskväde
När stormen som knäckte draken ven
den piskande blåst som pryglat askens gren
Allfader då från högsätet sig reste
"Mer dryck i hornet" han ilsket vreste
Långt bortom Midgårds berg och dalar
skyddade från stormen i gyllene salar
Allfader plötsligt tömmer välfyllt krus
tvinnar skägget fundersamt i behagligt hus
Låt dryckeskvädet eka i forna gudars ära
Drick ur, inte tveka, i minnet jag er bära
Bortom långbänk, i guldsmyckat säte
hörs korpakrax och ett mullrande läte
Av vakna ögon fem blott fyra skarpt nu ser
Allfader i drömvärlden jättar hugger ner
Tystnaden nu härskar i druckna hjältars hem
gryningen och slaget ger död, sen liv igen
När afton åter stundat och striden den är slut
Allfader för sina kämpar utbringar en salut
[English translation:]
Drinking Poem
When the storm crakced the dragon vein
The whipping winds that flogged the ash's branch
The All-father there from his high seat rested himself,
"More drink in the horn" he glowerlingly demanded.
Far beyond Midgard's mountains and valleys,
Protected from the storm in golden halls
The All-father suddenly empties the brimming jug
Twisting his beard thoughtfully in his pleasant house.
Let the drinking poem echo in the Old Gods' honor
Drink up, don't hesitate, I hold you in my mind
Beyond the long bench, in the gilded seat
One hears the cawing of ravens and a rumbling sound
Of waking eyes only five or four now see clearly
The All-father cuts down giants in the Dreamworld
The silence now rules the home of drunken heroes
Dawn and battle brings death, then life again
When the evening returns the battle is over
The All-father raises a salute for their struggle
3. Sweoland Conqueror
In primordial times, when Ginnungagap empty stared
Before Ymer's death, before our triumphant dominion
There was nothing
No sea, no waves
No earth, no heaven
A frost-covered stone created
Bure, father of Bur, Bestla's husband
Bestla, daughter of Böltorn
And mother of three
Oden, Vile and Ve
Ymer's assassins, Svear's creators
Oden - spirit and life you gave
Vile - intellect was your gift
Ve - completed the heathen warrior
And Sweoland sets sail to plunder
With will as strong as the heart of Hrungner
They set the world ablaze
Usurpers of Ethelred's British Isles
Conquerors of western Frankia
And crushers of Irish strongholds
The flesh of a giant bears the mark of their tribe
And his blood carried them forth to glory
"Never before has such terror appeared
as we now have suffered from a pagan race"
"Nor was it thought possible
that such an inroad from the sea could be made"
[Repeat chorus]
"Shrines were desecrated
Ornaments were plundered
The bodies of saints were trampled
The blood of priests was spilled"
4. Home Again
The long, hard years at sea, have taken their toll on me
For thirteen winters and a spring, I have been so far away
So far, far away from the place I call home
A place so beautiful, it's where I want to die
Have you ever seen the rivers of Nyfors?
Or the majestic view at the mountains of Brevik?
Tyresö, you have left a mark in my heart
Home... I am coming home again
As I think of home, the memories burn inside of me
Does my son still remember me?
Does his mother recall how life used to be?
Will she ever recognize this grey and scarred old man?
Will I ever see her smile again?
Will she meet me at the shore when my ship comes in?
Mother Svea, you have left a mark in my heart
So I am coming home again
For home and kindred I have sailed so far
For home and kindred I am coming home again
5. The Breaking Of Serenity
Welcome to plunge into this storm
Where warlords ride, and kill with pride
The smell of rage, this ancient hate
That has been in wait
Before the torture took my soul
and the night turned black like the darkest hole
Before the wolves learned to howl
Open the time where bloodbeasts lurk, break serenity
Feel the ancient fury, smell the air of undead breath
Can you sense the torture, the knowledge of ending days?
Do you hear the sound of nearby death?
Taste the ultimate of pain
Struck me, ripped out every trace of life
Elves and valkyries scream my name out loud
This has been in wait
Before the torture took my soul
and the night turned black like the darkest hole
Before the wolves learned to howl
[Repeat chorus]
Come on, let's join the chaosstorm
Unleash your sword and face the sky
Can you see the reflections of a burning world?
Can you see the souls of those who died?
6. Eldfärd
[English translation:]
The Journey Of Fire
7. Ways Of A Parasite
In the filth of your failure, still suppresive
The overlord's standing supreme
Wounded through time, still it's breeding
Your beckon call ignored
Not of the divine, still it's drinking your wine
A parasites' vanquish in the light
You are the well that waters his hatred
Upon your sins he is feeding
The sins you made
when Adam got laid
Your life is a bitch
because Eve got paid
...and the truth shall set you free...
This blade I give to thee
I put my trust in you
Deep in you
May your blood keep it warm
The ways of the parasite
not for your eyes to see
As your icon withers
Odin carries the prophecy
Fire forever
8. Jord
Väpnare under nordens banér
Framåt - Nidingblod är ert elixir
Av jord är niding komme
Jord är det sista han ser
Drakens ornament i hällen glöda
Till tordön skall niding åter varda
En salut for nordens möda
Sanningar tär när ert allt är bränt
Utopins eldar strävar mot ytan
Skrik, ni klädda i lågans skrud
En grav är grävd för skyars regent
Askens krona den siste nu vördar
Ljuset falnar, ty hoppet dog
När Birka åter ur askan steg
Ett ansikte förvridet för nordens möda
[English translation:]
Squire under the banner of the north
Forward - the enemy's blood is Nyour elixir
By soil is the enemy coming
Soil is the last he shall see
The dragon's ornaments glow in the stones
By thunder shall the enemy return to nature
A salue for the North's efforts
Truths deplete when everything of yours is burnt
Utopia's fires strive toward the surface
Scream, ye clad in the attire of flame
A grave is dug for Skyar's regent
The jeweled crown the last now revere
The light fades, for hope died
When Birka rose from the ancient ash
A face contorted for the North's efforts
9. The Slumber Of Yesteryears
Yesterday never died - it just went into hiding
It lies slumbering at the bottom of a deep, dark lake
Hidden in the woods of my time
There was no path to follow, but I found my way
I had been lost for long
Forlorn in the woods I knew so well
I didn't quite know what I was looking for
But still I found it - or did it find me?
I couldn't see a way to this place
But from where I stand now I can see it all.
I can see how bright the stars shine at night.
I can see how the sun wakes life from its slumber
And I see how the snow cradles it back to sleep again.
I see my way back home but I never want to leave this place.
10. Till Valfader Urgammal
Slutligen föll jag på kämpavallen
men sorgen varar ej hos en krigare fallen
Som föda åt korparna jag föll
men svärdet mitt i handen jag höll
Valkyriors vackra skepnader jag såg
då jag döende i mitt sårsvett låg
Striden väldig blev mitt fall
Till Valfader urgammal jag nu färdas skall
Härfader, Valfader, in i salen mig bjuder
Enhärjarskarans skålar i Valhall ljuder
Kommen var min sista jordedag
Nu är blott väntan på det sista av slag
Min död på fältet var ond och bråd
och nu berättar jag om månget hjältedåd
Var dag får vi på gården kämpa
aldrig bliva gammal, aldrig lida av en ålders krämpa
[English translation:]
To The Ancient Father Of Valhall
Finally I fall on the ramparts
But the grief lasts not for the fallen warrior
As food for the ravens I fall
But the sword I held in my hand
The Valkyries' beautiful faces I saw
As I was dying of my wounds
The battle truly became my fall
To the ancient father of Valhall I now shall travel
Here father, Valfader, into the hall he invites me
These jars and bowls sound in Valhall
Come has my last day on earth
Now I only wait on the last of battles
My death in the field was vicious and sudden
And now I tell of my many heroic deeds
Every day we get to fight in the realm
Never growing old, never suffering from an age-old fight
11. Urkraft
En stärkande känsla som håller anden vid liv
Som överlever nornornas alla nycker
En kraft som segrar över alla fiender
Den slumrar i dina blodsband, men finns där kvar
Ett naturens väsen, själens bärande stomme
En förnimmelse från förr, i arv från våra förfäder
En ymnigt strömmande styrka, lika gammal som tiden själv
En odödlig energi, som i naturen frodas
i varje levande fors och sjö, i varje mäktig ek och reslig gran
Stilla den andas, lugnt och starkt
men ett vaket sinne ser och hör, hur den väcker själaminnen
I glömska den ligger, men ger givmilt när du är redo att ta emot
Redo att väcka din ande till liv
Dess källa är outsinlig, evig och öppen åt alla som bär den inom sig
Låt den ej för evigt sova!
Känn dess återkomst, likt något som saknats
En del av den du är, ett kall från ditt blod
Känn ditt arv, och hur nordens själ flyter genom dina ådror
Ett fåtal är vi som urkraften minnes
Evigt styrkta av en flamma som aldrig slocknar
Världen är höljd i mörker
men nordstjärnan leder oss till slaget på Vigrids slätt
[English translation:]
Ancient Power
An invigorating sensation that fills the spirit with life
That survives all of Norn's whims
A power that prevails over all enemies
It slumbers in your bonds of blood, but there it remains
A natural essence, soul-bearing core
A sensation from before, in the line of our forefathers
A profusely flowing strength, as old as time itself.
An eternal energy, that in nature thrives
In every living rapid and lake, in every mighty oak and tall spruce
Still it breathes, quiet and strong
But an alert mind sees and hears such beautiful soul memories
In oblivion it lies, but generously gives when you are ready to recieve
Ready to bring your sould to life
Its source is inexaustible, eternal and open for all who carry it within them
Do not let it sleep forever!
Know its return, like somthing that is missing
A part of it you are, a calling from your blood
Know your heritage, and how the North's soul flows through your veins
Few are we who remember the ancient power
Forever justified by a flame that never dwindles
The world is shrouded in darkness,
But the North Star leads us to battle on Vigrid's plain.
12. Over The Hills And Far Away
They came for him one winter's night.
Arrested, he was bound.
They said there'd been a robbery,
His pistol had been found.
They marched him to the station house,
He waited 'til the dawn.
And as they led him to the dock,
He knew that he'd been wronged.
"You stand accused of robbery,"
He heard the bailiff say.
He knew without an alibi
Tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom.
Over the hills and far away,
For ten long years he'll count the days.
Over the mountains and the seas,
A prisoner's life for him there'll be.
He knew that it would cost him dear,
But yet he dare not say.
Where he had been that fateful night,
A secret it must stay.
He had to fight back tears of rage.
His heart beat like a drum.
For with the wife of his best friend,
He spent his final night of freedom.
Over the hills and far away,
He swears he will return one day.
Far from the mountains and the seas,
Back in her arms again he'll be.
Over the hills and far away.
Over the hills and,
Over the hills and,
Over the hills and far away.
Each night within his prison cell,
He looks out through the bars.
He reads the letters that she wrote.
One day he'll know the taste of freedom.
Over the hills and far away,
She prays he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the seas,
Back in his arms again she'll be.
Over the hills and far away,
He swears he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the seas,
Back in his arms is where she'll be.
Over the hills and far away,
He swears he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the seas
Back in her arms is where he’ll be
Over the Hills
Over the Hills and far away
Thanks to upsilon667 for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to darkcr0w, career.soldier for sending track #12 lyrics.
Thanks to j_berglund3002 for sending track #1 translation.
Thanks to darkcr0w, career.soldier for sending track #12 lyrics.
Thanks to j_berglund3002 for sending track #1 translation.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.