album: "Abolish" (2014)
1. Reform2. Reckless American
3. Hooked
4. Abomination
5. Commercialized Genocide
6. Greed Machine
7. Eliminate The Sickness
8. Belligerence
9. PNP
10. Lip-Server
11. Turn It Around
12. Last One Standing
1. Reform
We won't conform
I speak the hearts of every person
who is bound, beaten and broken
This is your time
Freedom is now
This is the way to see a reformation
Allegiant to one King and to the calling
This is the time to see Christ as the only way
From the chief Cornerstone we shall not stray
All by grace
I'm able to stand before the throne of God
I'm covered by Your perfect blood
Grace gives me a reason to fight
Grace brought me from darkness
and into the light
This grace is enough to see
social injustice brought to an end
and every form of immorality broken
This grace is enough to see
the whole world changed forever
God raise up reformers
End this age
We won't conform
2. Reckless American
[feat. Jonny from Winds Of Plague]
One day every idol will fade away
Get on your knees and pray
Reckless American
We whore ourselves away every single day
to graven images and idols that we create
We've worshiped a god who looks just like us
We've lost the meaning
of having one God and serving one King
They call us the land of the free
and the home of the brave,
but we've become the land of the chained
and the home of the slaves
God I'm in over my head again
I've given in to these hollow attractions
Hey you reckless American
Stop giving in
We love images
Hollow attractions
False gods
It's all distracting
Filled with idolatry
We've lost the meaning
of having one God and serving one King
Stand unwavering
God I'm in over my head again
I've given in to these hollow attractions
Hey you reckless American
Stop giving in
One day every idol will fade away
Get on your knees and pray
that hell won't have it's way
One day every idol will fade away,
revealing Christ as the one true King
Hell won't have it's way
Our one nation under God
has become the land of the chained
Our one nation under God
has become the home of the slaves
Reckless American
3. Hooked
I'm at the end of my rope
I was scared of change
That the end result was suffering
I failed myself too many times
One false move might set it off
I felt conviction
A past repeated
I was afflicted
I've been here before
My resolve is in shambles
I said I'd never let it get this far again
I'm going to change
My word as my witness
One more hit
It's fine
I will be done tonight
The bowl is cashed
I'll give this a chance
Time and time and time and time again
I felt this sickness
Over and over again I said I'd beat it
Time and time and time and time again
I was broken
Over and over again God pulled me through
He watched over me through my insanity
I don't deserve grace like this
He had mercy on such a sinner like me
I thought this life was mine
This life has bled me dry
I'm so tired and alone
Will I find rest for my soul
Addiction has stole my soul
Will I ever be whole
Time and time and time and time again
I felt this sickness
Over and over again I said I'd beat it
Time and time and time and time again
I was broken
Over and over again God pulled me through
He watched over me through my insanity
I don't deserve grace like this
He had mercy on such a sinner like me
I'm at the end of my rope
Through His blood that was spilled I am free
Free from guilt
Free from shame and things that bind me
Emanuel, Son of Man
You know exactly who I am
Jesus, Messiah, Lord of all
Only You can make me whole
4. Abomination
Truth is truth
Let it convict you
I'm not the one placing the blame
Truth is truth
Let it convict you
There's no reason to stay the same
Truth is truth
We've been fed American filth
that has it's roots buried in hell
From Christian roots to American devils
Seduced on every level
We've become the rebels
Tolerance is hate
so go against the grain
Too many souls are on the line
And if you speak your mind
Truth for humankind
It's called judgement
They'll say it loud,
"You're such a bigot!"
With 2x4's ruining sight
How will we know what's wrong
from what is right
We've been lost and confused
Twisted the truth
We've been conflicted, yeah
We've been concerned with pleasing everyone,
but I'm done with running
from confronting sin in love
Every sin is counted the same
This is a call to turn from our ways
Repent and turn from our ways
Hell is on the loose
You don't get to pick and choose
what's right for you
Truth is truth
I'll say it again
Truth is truth
Twisted sexuality has become our reality
Put Christ on the cross
There must be a cost
What's your response
I'm done pleasing everyone
(What's your response)
We've been lost and confused
Twisted the truth
We've been conflicted, yeah
We've been concerned with pleasing everyone,
but I'm done with running
from confronting sin in love
Truth is truth
Let it convict you
I'm not the one placing the blame
No time for tolerance or weak acceptance
Let's call sin what it is
We've been concerned with pleasing everyone
I'm done with running from confronting sin in love
We've learned to tolerate every sin
we know to hate
5. Commercialized Genocide
I feel sick to the pit of my stomach
Everyone's blind and everyone's running
I'll stand up even if I stand alone
I will not let these things go unknown
We've been force-fed
what to think,
what we wear,
who we are and define
what life is meant to be
Our culture
The mind molders
Creating replicas
A new world order
We've learned to justify infant homicide
Mass genocide
Life's been reduced to a dollar sign
God change our twisted minds
So many people fight the system
Miss the symptom
All for the sake of human rights
We fight for the choice but not for the life
People are people
All politics aside
We all deserve life
Fight for life
You call it planned parenthood
I call it a money maker
Two billion a year
Then one thing should be clear
They're only after the dollar signs
Fight for life
Open your eyes
This is commercialized genocide
End this commercialized genocide
So many people fight the system
Miss the symptom
All for the sake of human rights
We fight for the choice but not for the life
People are people
All politics aside
We all deserve life
Fight for life
We've been force-fed
what to think,
what we wear,
who we are and define
what life is meant to be
Our culture
The mind molders
Creating replicas
A new world order
We've learned to justify infant homicide
Mass genocide
Life's been reduced to a dollar sign
God change our twisted minds
End this commercialized genocide
6. Greed Machine
There's a false sense of security brewing
in every man and woman alike
That says money is power
and greed is just another means to survive
(Greed Machine)
Deliver me from the American dream
that fuels the ego and feeds the disease
Deliver me from the American dream
Set me from idolatry
It's now or never
It's do or die
Why store up treasures in this life
We've been conditioned to believe
that all the fortune and fame
is what we want and life's a game
A game that's won by cheating and lying
The cycle repeats
Deliver me from the American dream
that never satisfies and keeps me wanting
Deliver me from the American dream
Life is more than money, power and greed
What would it profit a man
to gain the whole world
but lose his soul
We've been conditioned to believe
that all the fortune and fame
is what we want and life's a game
A game that's won by cheating and lying
The cycle repeats
Get rich
You'll die trying
You can't bring your money to the grave
Get rich
You'll die trying
Riches won't keep you safe
Get rich
You'll die trying
You can't bring money to the grave
Greed machine
7. Eliminate The Sickness
We pray for the chains of injustice to break
To see hope overcome the hopeless place
For those of you who have strayed away
For the lonely, lost and afraid
Forever broken
Forever in need
This is the reason
why we knock and ask and seek
Somewhere along the way
we've neglected to pray
Used God like a whore
then chose to throw Him away
We chose to throw Him away
This is a test to eliminate the sickness
This will separate the faithful from the faithless
I won't waste my words on everything that's selfish
On everything I want
I'm done with playing games with God
His favor can't be bought
Prayer's been confined to a positive fable
Thirty silent seconds to make us feel stable
We only pray when we're in need,
have bills to pay or mouths to feed
This is a test to eliminate the sickness
This will separate the faithful from the faithless
We are the new generation
Born to pray
and lay down everything
We are the new generation
Born to pray
and born to change everything
Born to pray
We pray for the chains of injustice to break
To see hope overcome the hopeless place
For those of you who have strayed away
For the lonely, lost and afraid
8. Belligerence
Where's the peace in the lives we lead
There's no joy in a life marked by suffering
Why live a life fueled by hate
Break the cycle
Be the change
Passed down through the generations
Taught to feed the hate
like it's the only way
These are the lies
that remain right before our eyes
This is your reality
All we see is hate
This is your reality
I know that we can change
Your negative reality
Break the cycle
Be the change
Somewhere along the line
we learned to live in hate and negativity
We're at the point
where we've learned from our mistakes
It's time to change our ways
Angry, abused, beat down and broken
Cast out and important to no one
These are the lies that we feed inside
Slaves to hate till the day we die
We are all to blame
We stay the same,
never learning from our mistakes
Somewhere along the line
we learned to live in hate and negativity
We're at the point
where we've learned from our mistakes
It's time to change our ways
Break, break, break
the negativity
Break, break, break
Break it
Your negative reality
Passed down through the generations
Taught to feed the hate
like it's the only way
These are the lies
that remain right before our eyes
Negativity this is your reality
9. PNP
[feat. Justin Singh of The Great Commission]
Too young to know what to believe
To deep to turn my eyes
from all these worthless things
I bought into the lie
I spent time crossing lines
I committed the crime
I defiled my eyes
Truth be told it's all just a lie
It takes control
And blurs every line
It's all selfishness,
this filthy game we play
Am I the scum of the earth
for feeding this industry
It changes everything
I made a covenant with my eyes
I close this chapter of my life
I found a way out
I found a way out of this awful crime
That filth I found attractive
Kept in chains, I was a captive
Now I'm free
I'm free by Jesus Christ
Truth be told it's all just a lie
It takes control
and blurs every line
We sit behind a screen
and click click away
While that girl gets filmed to get her pay
We see these images and buy into the lie
That it's okay and we have some filthy twisted right
I made a covenant with my eyes
I close this chapter of my life
I found a way out
I found a way out of this awful crime
That filth I found attractive
Kept in chains, I was a captive
Now I'm free
I'm free by Jesus Christ
This evil empire will never stand a chance
So see Christ crucified
Believe and take a stand
There's no doubt in my mind
that this won't be a fight
But it's worth it
With clenched fists swing at the world tonight
Rip out the foundations
Break the legs of this giant
Watch it crumble and fall to it's knees
Take it down
Burn it down
Porn never pays
You won't even know who you are anymore
It changes everything
Porn never pays
10. Lip-Server
One reason
No double standards
One way to stand for truth
No double standards
One way to stand for truth
Too many people rely on uninvested hope
Represent a God they don't even know
Mean what you say and say what you mean
Faith is the evidence of things unseen
I know that I am just one man
I know I've been the hypocrite
but now I'm seeing clear
what most seem to fear
Unchanging and steadfast
Another promise is just a broken word
When will we ever change
When will we ever learn
To say one thing
and do the other
gives Him a bad name
Makes me a coward
God come open our eyes
To be unstoppable make us immovable
I know that I am just one man
I know I've been the hypocrite
but now I'm seeing clear
what most seem to fear
Unchanging and steadfast
One reason
No double standards
One way to stand for truth
No double standards
One way to stand for truth
You rely on uninvested hope
Represent a God you don't even know
Where is your integrity
end this hypocrisy
11. Turn It Around
We've built our lives on everything destructive
We've settled for a lie
We claim to be one nation under God
but we've taken Him out of everything
and we wonder why everything is falling apart
All we see is anger and envy and pride
Becoming the standard of our lives
With every breathe in my lungs
I will advocate change
The world wont be the same
With every step that I take
and every word that I speak
you will sense conviction
This is the reason for change
May the Lamb who was slain
receive the full reward of His suffering
Take this broken standard away
Take it away
Set the record straight
Set it straight
We are the one's
who will see injustice shut down
Shut it down
We are the one's
who will see the standard turned around
Turn it around
With every breathe in my lungs
I will advocate change
The world wont be the same
With every step that I take
and every word that I speak
you will sense conviction
You see the brokenness in the world
and you think it's your destiny
That's not the way life's suppose to be
The standard remains
but we'll see it slowly fade
Love in place of hate
No injustice will remain
Righteousness will reign
One way worth living
Loving the Truth
We are the one's
who will see injustice shut down
Shut it down
We are the one's
who will see the standard turned around
Turn it around
12. Last One Standing
[feat. Brooke Reeves of Impending Doom]
Standing strong
I wanna be the last one standing
Known for integrity
Faithful longevity
I wanna be the last one standing
Never giving up
Quitting so easily
I wanna be the last one standing
I've been taught to stand up for what I believe
even if it means nothing
As if we're taking the time
but we're running blind
What's the point of standing strong
if quicksand is what you stand on
I've been strong and I've been weak
And I've stood up to fight
I've been brought to my knees
We will never give up,
never lose control
Walk down the road less traveled
Standing strong
All this talk of standing strong makes me sick
when I realize we stand for nothing
When life's built on a strong foundation
giving up is never an option
When you feel weak and broken
giving up is never an option
I've been strong and I've been weak
And I've stood up to fight
I've been brought to my knees
We will never give up,
never lose control
Walk down the road less traveled
Thanks to simeon.kralik for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.