Dark Lyrics


1. Godether

It may have seemed a sign of hope that we are surrounded by humanity
But they are merely there to pick our bones malignant
Growing on the mind like mould a mere sliver of light drifting
Between wars and plagues but there is no sound of violence no famine of the mind

Nothing happens nobody comes nobody goes
Trying to crawl back through creation
just plugged in expecting to peak
Nothing happens nobody comes nobody goes
Seed aching to perfect itself anchored by coffins and the slums of the subconscious
Nothing happens nobody comes nobody goes
Where we boil our own cancers torn from the caul
the curds of gestation
Nothing happens nobody comes nobody goes
It’s in the gut in the soil of the land the dreams in the stars of blood and terror
Nothing happens nobody comes nobody goes
A whore moon probed by life by groping entropy presumed
to be the gods just aching for existence
Nothing happens nobody comes nobody goes
Nothing left but corruption a place in the sky?
Alongside the artifacts of some played out civilization

Phosphene dreams space dust in tune drifting through stars
the purest of light
Elements of the age the red gout of light no famine of the mind

Blood blown moons without life suns and molten planets
outside the mind
Precession of equinoxes a world created on a lie
three kings follow a star
The only gout of light? The ancient dream stars and earth collide no famine of the mind

The insufferable stretch of time downt eh gullied abattoirs of the mind the old world a Bethlehem in the sky dead roots dead time corruption seeps into the light the ancient dream through the red gout of light the ancient dream a palace in the sky

A cold spiral of systems created to destroy a dense mass of consciousness created without life held together by dust worms and the dead time through a mere sliver of light the sun a mockery in the sky forming galaxies the all consuming life the ancient dream destruction of mankind

An epoch of time cutting a red line through the rusted sky

At war with the microcosm reality is just the consensus attending its ancient agenda

For our culture tricks us into accepting it as consciousness just beyond some periphery
But now they are coming they could smell the blood Elements personified to nothing

2. Rust


3. The Mantle Tomb

Are we mere space dust drifting in time to nowhere and destruction?
Corruption seeps to the purest light and that is existence
Above it all burns the stars buried in the stomach of our land
Just one more drifting chip of consciousness stumbling against
static waves is it the machine keeping us down?
Plugged in expecting to peak
Above it all burns the stars
galaxies buried in the stomach of our land
Nothing but dirt and old bones held together by dust
To crack the land and the old backbone clears the mind of stone
A cold smear of last night’s smoke the drowsing lot
Reeled in on its silver thread red dust a smell like maturing rust
Emptying days and the driving mantle gloom
Last night’s smoke the drowsing lot
Just plugged in expecting to peak buried by dirt and old bones
Mammalian spreads mute into an extended nervous system
A dense mass of consciousness the blood of our air
There are tunes when we are nowhere
Falling apart it seems falling apart at the seams

4. Bone


5. A Terrible Beauty Is Born

Too long a sacrifice
Can make a stone of the heart
O when may it suffice?
That is Heaven’s part, our part
To murmur name upon name,
As a mother names her child
When sleep at last has come
On limbs that had run wild.
What is it but nightfall?
No, no, not night but death,
Was it needless death after all?
For England may keep faith
For all that is done and said.
We know their dream enough
To know they dreamed and are dead,
And what of excess of love
Bewildered them till they died?
I write it out in a verse
MacDonagh and MacBride
And Connoly and Pearse
Now and in time to be,
Wherever green is worn,
Are changed, changed utterly
A terrible beauty is born

Timmy Johnson: Drums
Frank Brennan: Guitars, Vocals (clean)
Darren Moore: Vocals
Brendan Roche: Bass
Pauric Gallagher: Guitars

Thanks to metallistgothic for sending these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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