Dark Lyrics


1. The Other Realm

I lay myself down to avoid the darkest pits of hell. I lay myself down tonight and enter myself. In a slumber that cover the years, I lay down without regret.. I lay down without mourning my lost. In a slumber that cover the years I enter what i once saw. To see the other realm, and taste the naked sin and again I listen to the whispers of demons, I touched the Devil once

Covered well, hidden deeply
Untouchable, mysteriously

The crawling mass, summoned as one. Longing for the undreamt dream. Tears of despair filling up a thirsty void. A blessing came, went through than floated away..

2. Death Breeder

Gateway paintings open at dawn
Paranormal breathe echoes from corners
Through flesh and to eternity

Dead activity return to a
Poor loved heart without beats
There's not much more down to go down to
Since the backside of the moon
Suck the void out of all the vicious holes

Troubled horizon, hunting season
Dusk swallower, death breeder
Hello clarity, goodbye sanity
Hello mirror me, goodbye obscurity

3. Ed Ånger

De svor en ed I blod som
Skrev in i deras hjårtan
Sjålen såldos men glådjen tilltog
In i mörkrets blåndverk stegen togs

Sinnet svalde mardrömmens gadd
Mot månens baksida medvetandet togs
Ögat såg in i en förödande sky
Höjden av olycka är olycka i höjden

4. The Delusionist

An opened hand reached out from a black hole
With hope inside its hell, to find what the hole couldn't bring
To watch them slip away, to watch them die
The falling stars that never fell silenced
I'll wait for them to sing their hymns into me
So i can smile again Just one last time before it comes with force

I saw it too, in the night
You saw it too, beyond the night
I felt him too, during the day of my life
On the other side of the moon
You felt him too, but in a so very wrong way

Remind me of what's never coming back
A fire inside, so hungry
Are swallowing the rest of me

5. Insjunken

Insjunken i dvalans rum
Djupt in i det innersta vakuum
Ett närvarande sinne, ett oförglömligt minne
Fangslande smärta

Genom glädje och sorg verkar en röst
Viskar oss fram till ålderns höst
Borkdomnet skellett, klätt i kött och blod
En borda till kropp, sprungen ur moder jord
I en oviss framtid ska pulsen slå ska stager bära dit vi alla vill nå

Fängslande angest.

6. A Filthy Ride

A dark wave through life
I found my weakness and got flushed away
A filthy ride beyond the burning light
So intense that it almost took my eyes

Paranoid by all the whispers
Deaf by all the shouting voices
The dark withing life, ah it took me
But a hope from another horizon
Pound the rest of what was left of me

Sunset in the east
And the shadow of the moon are watching
Another loop in a circle of old footprints
The darkest night of them all arrives
What on earth is about to come?

Soon to be carried by wings, a longing
Walk with the wind - it will soon embrace us

7. Kallad till Bortgång

En sjal av tusen fann åter hem
Två ögon frän intets hålor vill se ijuset igen
En fallande ton, sprunget ur ett jiv
Kallad till bortgång i vakuum

En brusten ton gömd i ett liv
Fann ett omlopp runt en svalnande sol
Mitt nakna jag renas i månens ljus
Mitt döende jag vilar i dess skuggsida

Sorgen sjunger, oro anlända
Tomhet vakar, ängsla inträda
Tårar rinna, minnen bleknar
Pulsen sänkes, hjärtat saknar

Allt så stilla, dock andetag närvarar
I ett skede av ohåööbarhet
Tar in all luft, mon inte mitt val
Ingen chans till standing

8. The Second Wind


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