Dark Lyrics


1. Outlander

It's been million years and yet this bulb is my shelter.

Hardly had I opened my eyes I joined their ranks:
Colors are faded away, sounds suspend in delay.
Hey, mother, tell me
Where is my home?!

I don't belong to this race,
Nor to this planet,
Nor to this galaxy!
Here bottomless greed dances with
Eternal stupidity!

They upgrade, they descend every hour.
A mother gives birth to her child to self-devour.
Any beat of life, a sparkle of spirit they seem to hate.
As soon as beauty is born
They discriminate!

And no respect to their race,
Nor to this planet,
Nor to this galaxy!
And no desire to uproot their greed
And eternal stupidity

And invincible ignorance!
Intolerable arrogance

Am I floating down the river of insanity
Or becoming just another part of you?
I'll return, I'll come home where they wait for me,
Where the nature reins the life but not you.

This time we trade our lives
To experience the brand new world,
To realize how wrong we've been all these years,
How many wonders we could behold.

2. A Plus or a Minus

A spirit seeks to rise above
But the routine brings it down
Mind is eager to open wide
But constraint's gotta cork it up
Up to the tomb of broken dreams
Down to the top of false believes
Up to the cooling iron core
Down to the stairs that lead to the heaven's door
Up, down. If there's no difference
Down, up. Let's levitate between plus and minus
Of all the sins people possess
Indifference must be the deadliest
Decompose into good and evil
Divide chaos and order
Separate hot from cold
Disjoint light and darkness
Plus and minus
No more duality
The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear
No bipolarity
The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear
No bipolarity
The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear
No more duality
The vision of what is right is not crystal clear
Find all the answers to the question never asked
Don't skip the blanks. Plus or minus?
Find all the answers to the question never asked
Don't skip the blanks. Plus or minus?
Plus or minus?
No, no more duality
The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear
No bipolarity
The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear
No bipolarity
The vision of what is right becomes crystal clear
No more duality
The vision of what is right is not crystal clear
Минус... плюс
Плюс... Минус
Minus... plus
Plus... minus
Minus... plus
Plus... minus
Minus... plus
Plus... minus
Minus... plus
Plus... minus
Minus... plus
Plus... minus
Minus... plus
Plus... minus
Minus... plus

3. No Hoard Of Value

Hey, caveman!
When did you see the sky last time?
How deep is

That treasure you are told to find?
The reflect of what you feel, what you breathe
Is that what you really are?
Hey, caveman, what's your life so far?

Quench your thirst with a spit
Satisfy your hunger with shit
Make a bed full of trash
Do you think you're doing well?
Wash your face in some sweat
Out of shame and disrespect
Day by day wake up in sorrow
And go to work in hell!
Poverty and hunger are everything that's waiting for you outside
Stay in here! They will take care of you
Relax, you are unlikely to endure

When did you see the sky last time?
How deep is
That treasure you are told to find?
The reflect of what you feel, what you breathe
Is that what you really are?
Hey, caveman, what's your life so far?

Once the dust ate your eyes away
And donated sweetest apathy
But still you sense your brothers' hollow heartbeat
And gruff voices of your family
I can see furrows on this face fouled with fly-ash
There's nothing remained but a tiny piece of coal in your chest

Bygone world was deprecated long ago
Now, they are here to plunder your home
But don't mourn!

Abandon all hopes about freedom.
No hoard of value can replace it
Abandon all hopes about freedom
No hoard of value can replace it.

Punch a blunt fang of this rusty cavil into stones!
Come on and fracture another course to the better world!
Get down to work!

Dig! Harder! Faster! Deeper! Harder!
Dig! Harder! Faster! Deeper! Harder!
Dig! Harder! Faster! Deeper and harder!
Dig! Harder! Faster! Deeper! Harder!

4. Cloud Factory

In this place I live
Photograph reality,
Dragging through my black'n'white existence.

I stay deaf to the shit
Things you say I melt in heat
I can show my ultimate resistance to this world.

I ain't no joke, no fake
I'm here to put your life at stake
Your god has never been more pitiless.
I ain't no fake, no joke
So many souls were baked and smoked
And the nature's aspiration
Drowns in my chemicals

Light up
My deadly pipe
Puff a cloud
Discharge the poison into
Sky, ground,
Into your wounds,
Into blood, into heart,
Into exterior

Right into you

Intoxicated ages through
Mephitic stench
Exuded up to heaven too.
Mankind escaped the nether world.
It will retrace its steps
I have no doubts
The threat to the
Dangerous, continuous
We won't ever
Save ourselves.
So much effort
Was wasted away

Light up
My deadly pipe
Puff a cloud
Discharge the poison into
Sky, ground,
Into your wounds,
Into blood, into heart,
Into exterior

I came to demolish, to alter…
I came to demolish, to alter…

I don't need to live in diversity
I just wanna grab what you've got for me
In this inside argosy
I don't need to live in diversity
I just wanna grab what you've got for me
In this inside argosy
I don't need to live in diversity
I just wanna grab what you've got for me

I drain this world to the bone
It doesn't mean anything at all…
I drain this world to the bone
It doesn't mean anything at all…
I drain this world to the bone
It doesn't mean anything at all…
I drain this world to the bone

5. Who Is Gonna Be The One?

Who's gonna remember what the sun is?

Who's gonna keep on counting his another disease?
Who's the one? Who's the man? Who's got the power
To prolong for a second his final hour?

Who is gonna be the one?

Who will recognize his mother's face
Without the protective mask that she wears?
Is there any one who'll find a reply to the question
"What does the water taste like?"?
Who's gonna be the one who cares?
Who's the daredevil to protest?
Come on, you motherfucker, step up of the crowd!
Raise your fist in the air and shout out loud!

I am gonna be the one!

Don't step aside! Fight back with full force!
Pick up the weapon of your own choice.

Don't you just step aside!

Don't deny the past you lived
Don't neglect the future you have.

6. When Two Empires Collide

Over! It must be over right now….

Nightmare! This nightmare has just begun!

Two eagles are cruising around over my land.
Two eagles are trying to break a branch they've already bent
Two martial birds hunting each other
Two pairs of wings try to bring a brother up against his brother.

The moment when I could hug my friend
It is forever lost.
And now they want us to pay the cost
And now they want us to pay the cost!

When two empires collide!

The day "war" was just a word is gone
The time when peace was just a children's song is gone.
We never believed terror would ever burst into our home
That was just an image on someone's wall.
The minute when I could hug my brother is forever lost.
I wonder if our blood is enough to pay the cost!
It's enough to pay the cost!

The moment when I could hug my friend
It is forever lost.
And now they want us to pay the cost
And now they want us to pay the cost!

The moment when I could hug my friend
I hope it's still not lost!
When they want us to pay the cost
We refuse to pay the cost!

I call to cut the strings!
I urge to fold down your wings!
We call you out to free us from your strings!
We urge to lay and fold down your wings!

When two empires collide!

7. Желаю - Значит Получу

Идеи воплощаю в жизнь.

Я вслух высказываю мысль.
Желанья исполняю вмиг.
Дух равновесия достиг.

Я твердо знаю, что хочу
Желаю – значит получу
Весь мир теперь в моих руках
И сила стонет в кулаках

Давай, отступай!
Я бессилия не признаю
Давай, отступай!
Не место мне в глухом строю.

Ковать судьбу свою здесь и сейчас.
И крепко на ногах стоять в этот раз.

Уверенно веду борьбу
Желаю – значит получу
И ты теперь в моих руках.
Тебя я отпускаю, страх!

8. Bad Water

So you want me to drench a desert
Bad water is all I've got.
You ask me to imbue the poor

Bad water is all I've got.
So you want to perceive your life?
Bad water is in your mind.
Joy will never fill your heart
Red water turns into the tar.

I am a cracked jar
Bad water‘s running through my eyes.
I leak! It burns!
But still I can be refilled –
It returns…

It kills a seed, kills a breed,
Smothers everything we need,
Plugging our pores up.
Flakes of salt drag to the start…
Our lips are dry from constant cry,
Our mouths are made of chalk and sand.
If only we could take one last sip,
Backwater would invite us
to the one-way trip.

The sky is a cracked jar
Bad water's running through the clouds.
It leaks! It burns!
But still it can be refilled.
It returnes…

Until we wash our feet in a creek,
Until we spit in a cup and then drink,
Till we curse upon the sea,
Until the land can't shed a single tear…
Bad water is all we will be…

Thanks to randee25 for sending track #2 lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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