album: "A Veiled Empire" (2005)
1. Veil Of Eternity2. Sacrifice In Red
3. Eclipsed My Hope
4. Deep Within
5. Night By The Silent Waters
6. Stone Heart
7. For The End Of The Days
8. For One Love
9. So Let Thy Will Shalt Be
10. New Aeon
11. Into Eternity
12. Consecration
13. A Sea
1. Veil Of Eternity
[Music By D. Volynkin]
[07 february 2001]
2. Sacrifice In Red
[Music By A. Shelepenkin, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
Deep inside of me
Memory's remained
Christ was crucified
Failed was Lucifer
Will you fall for Her soul into dark abyss?
Christ's again failed as God, mankind on its knees
Deep inside I keep sign of memory of Her
Deep dark sign a black one sign
Nemesis Be My Queen
Christ on his knees, inside abyss, tries to call to peace
But No! I never heard his spoken words
Called us to confess for SALVATION
I have inside, a deep dark sign
Carved in my heart in one pitch night
When you torn her from me
And bleeding I crept from this place
Choking I promised to curse all your tribe
For return of my Queen
But now my bleeding heart is tearing apart
It's too much pain I cut my veins
For the darkest skies I reach my arms
Moon witness my sufferings as I scream:
3. Eclipsed My Hope
[Music By S. Vlassov, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
Pain reminds me your eyes, leads me to thoughts of you
How can I bear all these feelings inside? Help me to go them through
You could stay with me here at my side with my void silhouette
But darkness returns, here in my heart, swallowing me, dragging for the blackest emptiness
And for this I will burn, scream your name "Where are you now?"
With a scarlet passion You have stolen my heart! Leaving by this starring night
You could stay but you left my void silhouette and my screams have been drowned
- I will never forget! Hope stays with me
Darkness returns here in my heart! Where are you now? My Lord - My God!
No! No! No! There is no You!
Tears I shed Hope that I keep all my belief - they all are for you!
My Lord! Why, why you are leaving me to go this through?
So you are gone I have stayed by the night with my prayers
And my heart tears me up - Am I losing my sane? Have I failed again?
All alone here I stand, Should I cry or forget
Should I live for revenge or revenge is my faith? Blackest is my heart!
Hope it keeps deep inside and it yearns for the light
Should I keep it inside? No! I let it be freed! My wrath is upon you!
From the deepest of heart it breaks loose to the light
And damnation could fall upon humble mankind! My heart could be consoled!
Darkness returns here in my heart! Where are you now? My Lord - My God!
No! No! No! There is no you!
Humble mankind is a failed mankind! Misery, ruins and years in tears behind!
Nothing can change their opinion of you!
[16. March 2002]
4. Deep Within
[Music By D. Volynkin & A. Shelepenkin, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
My broken heart is bleeding
For your silver tears
I won't forget
As we kissed and our love had to be drowned
Deep within my heart there is a place
That keeps a scar my love remains
I saw a girl the beauty one
I felt in love with the evil one
Her kiss was dark and hair black
She kissed me deep left in my heart mark
Was her command
"To share my love you have to be my part!!!
For this you have to all things forget that were before
Now No Regret!!!"
I will!
Now I'm standing here all alone
You can hear my cries in this lonesome song
As I turn my eyes slow
Just a thought comes in my mind
How long will I fall?
It was the coldest night filled with fear and suffering
No soul was near - just the howling wind calling me to go inside
Of this beckoning darkness
Touch me again and you will see what the deepest wound's bleeding in me
How deep a scar that in my heart
How could we let them to make us apart
Now I descend deep under the veil of this beckoning darkness
I invoke and pray to all Creatures of Hate
I release them all to be together
As the one we stay - Light is far away
All you need is a prayer
You're crying on your knees
You try to save your soul full of vain
Your Heaven asking me for mercy
[11.June 2001]
5. Night By The Silent Waters
[Music By A.Shelepenkin, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
Silently I stand by the night waters that have taken your life from you
Silently I wait for the sign of the dark waters may be tonight they let talk to you
And if they wash me up your dead body I clasp it to my breast for kiss
And you will see my bleak story
In love I was failed - For love I did fall
In a kiss you will see how deep was that love that I failed in loving with her
That crimson night was like a night in a gales it tore me, my heart and my passion to Her
I stood alone till wind's howled her name, no tears, just pain was my heart
Christ's forbidden that love and in love I was failed - All Saints did forbid my love
And my screams were resounded As Christ took my love from (me)
All Saints were starring at me
And for selling my soul Devil promised her soul
As Christ's words were told - "In Love You Were Failed - For Love You Do Fall"
Black velvet waters keep silent tonight
I walk alone by the shore surrounded by moonlight
My thoughts of you and I'm calling to you
But silently waters drag me to its bottom from you
And my screams were resounded As Christ took my love from (me)
All Saints were starring at me
And for selling my soul Devil promised her soul
As Christ's words were told - "In Love You Were Failed - For Love You Do Fall"
Tiny candles left burning by the wind which was howling in a place where my love was for Her
With a pulse of a dawn Christ had come to make burning Her Soul and forbid my love
With my screams I was falling from Heaven I called Her I tore up from my neck a cross
And for this I was cursed with damnation for Heaven All I wished All Christendom to flames for Her Loss
All this pain will grow into deep wound and will never. Never! Go away from my heart
I will keep it inside till time comes and Heaven be frighten an appear of night
I release from the chains! The chains that all years chained my heart full of Her
By the night I descend in a fog upon mankind - to find and embrace - Resurrected Her Soul!!!
[05.October 2001]
6. Stone Heart
[Music By A. Shelepenkin, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
Open my frozen heart
It has become colder than the ice
It has become harder than a stone
Silver in my eyes I am mesmerised
Vainly Cupid pierces me with his arrows
They are bouncing, breaking and falling down
How can the broken heart feel love again
I need you but you are far away
With hope I wait for a time
When you will come back to me
With hope I look at the Sun
With sorrow it looks at me
My heart is closed for everyone
But it's wide open for you
I can love no-one
Just you and only you
Come back and kiss my frozen lips
Your kiss is a life for my heart
Only the one thing I've understood for all time
You won't come back to cure my heart
So forget my frozen pain
Now I know you can't love
All is gone just a wind to blow again
Over the monuments with the stone hearts
7. For The End Of The Days
[Music By A. Shelepenkin, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
So ends a day,
Life flows in its way
Night soon will come
We all be gone!
For all eternity just stay with me
In flames of night so far from light
Inside my dream - my forlorn realm
Without a crown - dead on the thrown
No sympathy for the failed one
Just enemies to strike again!
Demons in a fall ask for sold out souls
Sadness grows again to invoke my pain
Visions of suicide of those thousands lives
So it comes again for the end of the days
Existence loses the point of living
A living leads to suicide
Suicide is a mortal sin in religion
So Crown should be upon The Kingdom Of Light!
I wear A Crown
For The End Of The Days
In My Forlorn Realm,
I Ascend The Thrown
So Let Angels Weep
For The End Of The Days
For all eternity you could stay with me
My fallen Son - My Lucifer
Inside my dream - my forlorn realm
Without a crown - dead on the thrown
No sympathy for the failed one
Just enemies to strike again!
So Let Angels Weep
For The End Of The Days
Father! Why do you make bleeding
My ached suffered heart?
Nightmare? Am I dreaming?
Do I lose My Crown?
Demons in a fall ask for sold out souls
So it comes again for the end of the days
8. For One Love
[Music By D. Volynkin & A. Shelepenkin, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
My Sun don't leave me now
I can't abide this pain
I don't want to stay alone again
How she can't understand
That she hurts me more
Going from me away
I lived for one love I lived for her
I just want to be loved nothing more
But she left me I remember that day
My Sun please help me please ease my pain
My Sun give me your rays
Don't leave me alone
My Sun don't go from me
I know she will return
I couldn't believe she has gone
I stayed alone I want to run
To run nowhere away from here
To you my Sun Take me from here
My Sun you are my lord now
I'm your hopeless angel
Never let me fall down
I'm sitting on the clouds
Looking at down
I've caught the hopes in my hands
But I lose them now
My Sun give me your rays
Don't leave me alone
My Sun don't go from me
I know she will return
Your rays caress me every day
But every night I look at my grave
May be at one day she will return to this bleak place
To look at the blue sky ceiling to see my crying face
[Spring 1997]
9. So Let Thy Will Shalt Be
[Music By A. Shelepenkin, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
Emptiness - a cold wind bearing death
Darkness - and there is no hope at all
Cry - somewhere there and far and never-ending
Burden - Do you still wait for changes?
Hollowness - and a heart turns to stone
Sunken Sun - bereavement of your worthless soul
But amidst all of it there is a light.
Is this the end or new era for mankind?
I remember how Sun was shining over the landscapes we walked
And our spreading loud sonorous laugh filled these lands with new hope
But Envy and Growing Vanity of Avaricious Gods
Who behold us with their cruel eyes took the top over Our Sacred Love
Let throw them Into Darkness
Let make them to be apart
But they don't know how deep this feeling inside of our hearts
Even where eternal darkness you can see pearls of light
Oh my son - my fallen Lucifer - Hear My Voice from a heart
Only you and your light can lead blinded mankind by Hypocritical Gods
Let throw us into Darkness?
Let make us to be apart?
My Sunken Sun burns brighter
Within those hollow waste lands
Oh, Venus Join me!!! - Together WE DO REIGN!!!
I am touched by night I feel bliss of pain
I was born in sin I can't bear my hate
Weary hours are gone Sorrow in the past
I have come to reign Rise The kingdom Rise!
My heart is filled with certitude
The end has come for solitude!!!
[24-25.December 2002]
10. New Aeon
[Music By A. Shelepenkin, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
Hate has no heart it's known
Love is apart when it grows
Escape from myself leads to pain
And it makes a heart to lock away
Feel a breeze of new day - When darkness falls?
Reach your arms to the flames - When I feel cold?
Let your heart feel new life
Leave all your pain behind
Go away from my side!
My delight when it's night!!!
Is this cry of mankind?
So they fail again!!!
I am Luciferian fire
A star that shines for Empire!
The One who brought a suffering to Christ
I am the first who has gone through the dark left the others behind
Hope - it's here, it's close - just for you - My fallen Son
Come to me, back to life from The Troubled Seas from The Thickest Skies
You've created your world, you are drowning in it My Son
I didn't want your fall, All this sorrow has come from The Fates above
Oh Mother Cast away your bitter tears
Let me be as I was with my grief all these years
All those nights by myself with my thoughts
How could My father dare his own child to dethrone
And this childish scream echoes in my heart with memories that burning my brain
That little hand reaching to his father above, asking for his support and his help
And without regret Father just turned his face away left his child cried
And that heart-rending moment that's all what I have, still feel, lives with hatred in my heart
Night falls on Earth
Autumn calls to rebirth
Winter embrace my heart
Mother Our Star does shine for us
[06.November 2002]
11. Into Eternity
[Music By D. Volynkin]
[07 february 2001]
12. Consecration
[Music By D. Volynkin & Shelepenkin, Lyric By D. Volynkin & A. Shelepenkin]
Black waxy candle in my hand
With dusk's approach I go ahead
Through dark corridor of the dead
To start the séance
Open the book of ancient knowledge
Swallow a potion to fill its dark
I mutter the words from the one secret spell
I fall in trance
Potion takes over me
With wide opened eyes I can't see
Blindness drags me into black sea
I feel fear
Unknown images beckon me
Try to keep my mind out of real
Concentrate myself on the one of them
I start to feel it
Image becomes to materialize
Gradually I start to differentiate it
It's a performance of God Holy Play
It is a tragedy and I'm who can feel it
Darkness or Light
Endless Fight
Eternal Endless Fight!!!
[18 April 2000]
13. A Sea
[Music By D. Volynkin & S. Vlassov, Lyric By D. Volynkin]
"What is life? What should I expect from it? Tell me!"
Life is just a moment, a short period of time. You don't have to regret
Sometimes we fail, sometimes we not. But more often we don't recognize how it's passing us by.
Just let a dream cover you
"I understand what you mean. These moments given by life - that's a point of a living."
Yes they are.
Short periods of time to understand the meaning
That every moment is a dream and every dream is a pearl of sea.
In a sea of life we are drowning.
[05. August 2001]
Celestial Crown is:
Denis Volynkin - Vocals
Aleksander Shelepenkin - Rhytm Guitar, Keyaboards, Programmed Drums
Seregei Vlassov - Lead Guitar
Diana Volkova - Female Vocals
Arnold Looga - Bass Guitar
"A Veiled Empire" has recorded at White Room Studio (Tartu Estonia) in period july - october 2003.
Mastered at Celestial Crown's Studio in period march-april 2004.
Art Design - Hely Akyra
Music by Aleksander, except 01, 11 by Denis, 03 by Sergei
Lyrics by Denis
Sound engineer Asko-Rome Altsoo & Celestial Crown
Produced by Celestial Crown
Released by Divenia Records
We would like to thank first of all Asko-Rome Altsoo for his time in his studio. Arnold Looga for helping us with bass guitar. Raul for drums. All friends who support us - thank you!!!! Tartu Beer Factory for producing good beer that inspires us to create our music - thank you!!! Thanks to Buddha, Jesus, Devil and Satan!!!
Personal Thanks from all Celestial Crown to Alex & Melancholia Records for Understanding and Supporting!!! Thank you!!!
Cover Artwork, Digital Art and Layout by Hely Akyra
Thanks to celestialcrown for sending these lyrics.
Denis Volynkin - Vocals
Aleksander Shelepenkin - Rhytm Guitar, Keyaboards, Programmed Drums
Seregei Vlassov - Lead Guitar
Diana Volkova - Female Vocals
Arnold Looga - Bass Guitar
"A Veiled Empire" has recorded at White Room Studio (Tartu Estonia) in period july - october 2003.
Mastered at Celestial Crown's Studio in period march-april 2004.
Art Design - Hely Akyra
Music by Aleksander, except 01, 11 by Denis, 03 by Sergei
Lyrics by Denis
Sound engineer Asko-Rome Altsoo & Celestial Crown
Produced by Celestial Crown
Released by Divenia Records
We would like to thank first of all Asko-Rome Altsoo for his time in his studio. Arnold Looga for helping us with bass guitar. Raul for drums. All friends who support us - thank you!!!! Tartu Beer Factory for producing good beer that inspires us to create our music - thank you!!! Thanks to Buddha, Jesus, Devil and Satan!!!
Personal Thanks from all Celestial Crown to Alex & Melancholia Records for Understanding and Supporting!!! Thank you!!!
Cover Artwork, Digital Art and Layout by Hely Akyra
Thanks to celestialcrown for sending these lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.