Dark Lyrics


1. Intro


2. Black Metal Terror

Death, death to traitors!
Die you bastards!

Nothing will save you now
The day of the rope is near
There are more and more of us
warriors of the night
In the depth of the dark, we await the command

The demons of war embracing us with their wings
Will lead our army to the victory

Black Metal Terror will soon begin
Gathering the legions of destruction
Black Metal Terror will soon begin
We are the warriors of extermination

When the time of revenge comes
we will stand up to fight
To destroy your filthy morality
When the time of revenge comes
we will reveal our might
Satanic terror will take its toll

The fire of revenge has burnt too long
in our hearts
Soon our wrath shall reach you all
Thrusting at your worm-eaten hearts
with our blades

Be prepared to death!

There are more and more of us
warriors of the night
In the depth of the dark, we await the command
The demons of war embracing us with their wings
Will lead our army to the victory

Black Metal Terror will soon begin
Gathering the legions of annihilation
Black Metal Terror will soon begin
We are the warriors of lord Satan

3. The Accuser

Behold your face in the visage of the dying opposition
Behold, thou slave of free thought
See the wrath in the eyes observe you
The last strike from the grave
The traumatic view of the whirling space
It may be, but that feeling you've already known

From the maelstrom of destructious dance I arise
Like an angel of a new incoming era
Once started the natural cycle has been done
And now, what is able to persist in eternity?

I piss on the cross of every faiths and every laws
Perishing this moral world appears unchanged
Behold this grotesque-cambered flesh of ravished truth at my feet
Do you walk with me or your footing has been disappeared and you can't stand?

4. Into The Black Surface

Creature of two faces
Pacing through the gardens of the infested Eden
The pigeon of the serpent's shadow
The curious state of the emotional weakness

His fucking heart became raging
One-day triumphator became filthy
renegade of his own beliefs...

Overjoyed by watching destruction and pain
Encouraging one but never in action
He always stands under the right banner
(first:) coldeyed fearful daemon
that waiting death of
(later:) pity and mercyful filthiness
on the cross

Flickering symbols on the walls
of his chapel became clearer
And then he begins to understand
his position in that endless loop...
His fucking heart became raging
One-day triumphator became wooden crying
statue that can't do anything...

Before light ineluctably fades and brings death
and nothingness
He still believe... (but)
Did he ever know what real darkness is?
He asks the last question:
Is he able to accept defeat in the last battle
of his grotesque destiny?

5. The Revelation Of Scourge

Is that the great one who will be the awaited redeemer?
Or just another shining beauty in the eyes of the weak?
The cross and the dead star are the same now, symbiosis of sickness
(there will be no bastard to just take your hand and take you out of hell)

Good can't exist without its opposition
So show me what is your belief!
Who is the savior and who is the slave and the lamb?
What would you do, I ask
Will you be a slaughter or would you rather be slain?

Your own blood in the chalice
The past cannot be written twice...
Open your dead eyes, and see... (if you can)
I am the hunting wolf
And there's no fucking (so called) memento on all of your kind
No one can accuse you!
Your will is the only law!
The law of mind and steel, (but) who remember it yet....

Degeneration of the self
The fall of pure thought
(this is the transcendental filth
of life you can't even feel...)
The dirty mind cannot be clean at once

There's no peace without war
So pray your idols and drink the wine of delusions...
Forever turning your back, in pity (slave)
or let yourself drink from the chalice of sin
this is the true perfection in simplicity

6. In Blood We Trust

The dawn of our predestination
Emerged from the blood of our ancestors
The day of its glory and our birth
Begotten by the history's revenge
We shall fight for our invaluable laws
As the only heirs of this Land

In the name of blood!!!
In the name of purest blood!!!
We doom you all to death!!!

Offered up by ourselves
On the Black Altar of truth
We dedicate our own blood
As the greatest tribute
We shall baptise this world with pure blood

The path of glory leads
Through blood, tears and pain
Set p as a trial of loyalty for all of us
The bloody path into the flames of glory
We shall follow!

Carried on the eagle's wings
The doom of our existence
Uplifts us to the higher levels
Of human desires and ideals
All resurrected in our deeds and determination

Dying out in the abyss of our blood
They will learn its mighty anger

In the name of blood!!!
In the name of purest blood!!!
We doom you all to death!!!

7. Fire Ov Immortal Self

I've descended into the chamber of primal time...

I'm watching the tangle of naked bodies
I'm admiring licentious shapes and forms
Shivering in the exalted dance of self-engrossment

The dancing shadows born
Of their white bodies
Sculpture the subsequent projections
Of my own thoughts

I'm coming closer...

The bodies are surrounding me
Touching me with their common need
Their licking flames are burning me
Like a convict being hurt at the stake

Amid the cross-dance of fire and blood
We're merging into a unity
Of thought, form and shape
Within which time is measured
By blood, annealed in fire!!!

Incarnations carried by the black centuries
Onto the altar of truth
As the end and the beginning
Of the ever-reviving immortality!!!

I'm naked...

Woven with an invisible thread
To what has been and what will be
United with pure and noble blood
I fall down or I'm raised up again
I'm omniscient and omnipresent
I merge into the unity
I reach within the heart of hearts
Of the common human nature
I can see all and everyone!!!

All that haven't been dishonored
by the teaching of the cross...
All that tramples the star of jahwe...
All those who know...
All those who are alive...

8. The Ultimate Antigod Appearance

Here and now...
We start the era of destruction (deconstruction) [?]
As we killed the god by our thought
As we pray for the scorched ground
As the flames wipe all shame

The last drop of blood redeems the humanity

Nothing to mourn for
Pathetic graveyard
Cursed by my hatred
Determine(s) the new horizon
Cruelty, grief and pain

Nothing but true existence!!!

This is the time for resurrection of the Beast
They must bow to the monster
That is created by them...

This is the dawn of all beliefs
As we demand to crush all symbols of pity

As we burn your heavens
With the eternal fire...
As we burn your heavens
With the eternal fire of our darkest desire

9. Unholy Spell Ov Death

Frozen stars fall into the abyss
The moon illuminates the vanity with ghastly glare
Standing on the hilltop I summon the forgotten powers
The words that haven't been uttered for ages
Will sound one more time, carried on the night's wings

I cast the spell of the dark and death
The ancient, unholy art is used one more
When the scythe of time marks the circles of death
The gates will open again

The cosmic thread of fate entwines the empirical world
Joining it with another dimension
The witchcraft of the dark and death circles my victims
Like a pestilential cloud

Their life approaches its end, fades away
When the stars reach the one-row pattern
The will pass away, lost in non-existence

I cast the spell of the dark and death
The ancient, unholy art is used once more

Destruction and death, mists of madness
The echo of the past blasphemous act

I cast the spell of the dark and death
The ancient, unholy art is used once more

A lethal chant of horror
Freezing my veins and mind
My soil proceeds towards the unknown
Masters the inscrutable dimensions
My soul leads death

10. Misantrophic Supremacy

The cry of the stone idols
Tears the old wounds open
Long forgotten laws
Reverbate with pounding of my heart

Living in me is the pain
Of misplacement and grief
Of having nothing real to gain
Civilization is the thief

Guarding my identity
I've laid the cornerstone
Of misanthropic supremacy!

Sick of omnipresent verbal seizure
Meaningless backdrop existence
I withdraw and step aside
Grinding, sheedding, annihilating

Clenching my fists I give out a cry
Of suppressed hatred and prisoned mind
What you worship I call a lie
Blindness and idioncy of all mankind

Stronger than ever
Led by the principles
Of misanthropic supremacy!

11. Outro


Shadow ‒ Bass, Vocals
Antichrist ‒ Drums
Lord Von Skaven ‒ Guitars, Vocals

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