Dark Lyrics


1. Stones of October's Sobbing

Another year dead, and the harvest moon;
Leaves burning is the peasant's legacy.
Knelling, as the cheek of Summer is kiss'd--
Shivering of the elm, she is entomb'd.
The hay wain creaks through the countryside
As poet Autumn's fires scorch all this world.
They are entranced by the turning mill wheel,
Clear and cutting with Proserpine's kiss.
Bless the sun, decked in gorgeous array--
Frost, and the dignity of flameless light,
The hermit's cottage, fashioned rough of stone--
Smoke rolling slow behind the orchard's bloom.

Like a cairn, the stones are aligned in silence;
Arrayed by a bloodless hand, out through veils.
Time is easily torn while pitchforks twist,
Twist as easily through her golden hair.

Seasons that kill years...
Death that mangles hearts...
Loves that lose their shine...
Tombs that are forgot...
Darkness awaits behind the suffering day.
Men that waste lives in search of Heaven.
Stones are sobbing in a vernal field.
Thoughts of spring and cascades before you die.

2. Gleam In Ranks

A walk to Heaven isn't any better
With legions' fresh ascent
First they dwindled like always
And then I regretted closing my eyes
See, this dream was not inevitable
In the war of reds and golds
Our hero was gold!

Anon, with each pronunciation
Banners were smouldering, then dying
And burning my intestines
Taking away, alas,
All that kept me alive
Hast thou not crept up upon me?
Cruel poison of Life!
Thou hast taken everything.
But what hurts me is that
You've slobbered filthily
O'er the delicate lips of a delicate girl
And I shall announce what you are...
Yes, away thou goest
Into the desert betwixt blue angels
Choose thy canon and execute
Never is the morning of thy age!

3. Bizarre Flowers/A Violent Mist

Each bulb about me blooms
Gives its own luminescence
Like some phantom lantern glare
There is nothing in this place but rainfall
Forlorn, dreary secret ghosts
That hide between the twilit trees
Doth gaze upon the spores that gleam
They only know the floral dream

By the shade of wither'd day
How the moonbeams dance and waver
Splendid through the pallid air
The poison mists doth flow and gather
Burst from ev'ry season'd flow'ret
Like mimosas of the night
Fleeth garden charms that sparkle
Like a shattered lantern's light

I breathe the vapours that surround
Like so many seedling faeries
Rose, and thistle
And berry red
That preside over the dead
Tell me what they've seen and said:

"Breathe no more
Thy ghost dost wait
To take thy place
At Garden's Gate
Poison, venom,
Toxic fume hast ensured
Thy witless doom!"

4. (Interlude 3)

5. Garden Song/The Curve That To An Angle Turn'd

Trust lies shivering by the hedgerow,
Her life bleeds into cold cataracts.
I see an eclipse in those eyes, rainfall;
of starlight trapped in bottles.
My thirsty gaze will always remember.
Dead, and I pierce her body with shards of me.
What is afterward left.

Your face:
Years wasted blending with a poet's eye;
I have only a lifetime to forget.

My painful sleep unearths buried seasons,
It is only ev'ry morning that I cry;
Soft laughter seeps into aching wounds.

Please kiss me,
Kiss away the cuts you've torn--
The knives in your eyes bled my joy lifeless.

I still thee hold in my loneliness,
And wish that I could die in your false embrace,
Holding you forever in a moment of the past.
My Helen of Troy, please, this war makes me tired.

I will never trust again.

6. Sleep Is A Curse

Life means more since I stopped thinking
Life means more because you keep me going
I dreamed that we had another moment, still
We could be the champions of art
I killed myself because I was stupid
Great things come, but only as a blessing
It took so long because nobody told me
The Son of God is nothing more than this

I think I have it, I'm an angel
Humbled as such to learn from you
the truth of Life is never spoken
And sleep hasn't ever done me any good yet

Sleep is a curse
Remember that moment the music led
our dying minds to Heaven?
The promises of Life are tragic
The one for me will never have those things
That night, the forest was seething
So many things, but her face was all I saw
You're so good, your face is all I see.

I think I have it, I'm an angel
Humbled as such to learn from you
The truth of Life is never spoken
And sleep hasn't ever done me any good yet

7. Riseth He, The Numberless

Curse the night I was born, as I beheld,
Springeth he like asters from her vicious womb;
She bled mass stars that curs'd all the sky.
Horror bound me against the crags of stone,
And even the Earthquake-Fiends were silenced.
Chain'd to the mountaintop, my heart was rent.

The dandelion was plucked from the sky,
My soul wept as the shadow increased.
He made to sleep the flowers and the trees,
The beasts all laid down their mighty heads;
Their souls were suck'd dry by the Creation.
What season seizes fast the lyre with balm?

Alas, it is a cloudless, sunless day;
As the world died, I hid myself in tears.

[pt. 2]
A shade of sleep pass'd a veil o'er my eyes,
Not like them...statues of defeat...
...And I dreamt.

In one room I saw a candle,
And in another, a votive wreath.
A candle to pierce the darkness,
And I saw an old man sitting, sitting,
And he was alive!

8. (Interlude 4)

"Let this cup of suffering pass from me
Every tear shall be kiss'd from thine eyes."

"There is suffering in the Out Of Space
The jewelled lamps of Heaven are unknown."

"Ere you fall, I shall be there to lift thee
Rest thy weary mind, warm thy bleary cheek!"

"Naught but purity and secrecy abound
Under the surface of glassy Spheres."

"Hark and remember my creative song
Believe in me and thy heart shall grow light
Enter the tomb beneath my sacred blooms
Remain: I promise I shall thee receive?"

"Lest magick doors thou shall ope in the stars,
In the seas, in the gardens of pure Thought."

"Nearest to thy soul is my whisp'ring Voice."

"Ever else are the unseen Paths and Planes."

9. Monstrously Low Tide

What upon the naked shore is this key?
All briny, yes, a haven for the briny things,
And a mystery to the sun which hasn't seen
The construction of this awful mystery!

What fashion'd thee, O key of slimy gold?
What secret portal among the waves and stones
Didst thou unlock in silence of the deep?
And most importantly, what sea-borne lazy eye,
Deceived by the broken light,
Lost among the ruins thee?

I saw the shore expand on that joyous day-
Breathed deeper, pulsed longer, sighed fuller,
Loved greater the mind of a curious boy,
Such as me!

I love thee, curious sea!
{Aeons can hide the relics of forgotten gods,
But showeth me thy treasures,}
And I will always look thereon.
I will always look with love thereon!

Thanks to ilkay for sending these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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