Dark Lyrics


1. Illborn Augury


[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]

[Solo: Phil Tougas]

[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]

[Solo: Nick Padovani]

2. Sovereign Sacrifices

Arcane arts we call into the everblack
On this day we shall bring you back
Our blood for hers
Equivalent exchange

Dematerialized before my eyes and devoured by the void
To save his life I'll sacrifice yet another limb

[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]

Deformed, but not defeated
We will get our bodies back

Cursed are you who have broken the taboo, for your prying eyes have seen the truth
Damned to suffer symbolic deformities, for a fleeting glimpse of eternity

Unforeseen complication, ripped you from my womb to the tomb
Distraught I sought reclamation, an eerie calm before the storm
Ill cries cracked thunderous skies, as I gave birth to gloom
For what lie in the center circle, was no longer the fruit of my womb

[Solo: Hugo Doyon-Karout]

From shadows abound, out of sight, without sound
I find myself hopelessly pinned to the ground
A dastardly qualm, a blade impales each palm as homunculi psalm a grim requiem
Shadows swell in as my nightmare begins
Forced to complete human transmutation
Banished from light for this perilous plight has cast me into a realm of eternal night

[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]

Cursed are you who have broken the taboo, for your prying eyes have seen the truth
Damned to suffer symbolic deformities, for a fleeting glimpse of eternity

Cursed are you who have broken the taboo, for your prying eyes have seen the truth
Damned to suffer symbolic deformities, for a fleeting glimpse of eternity

[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]

3. Alchemic Web Of Deceit

[Stevie Boiser]

Oh foolish King of Xerxes, you seek immortality?
The means to your end? Forsaking morality.
The price? The lives of those that you rule.
A worthy sacrifice to pay the toll.

You've taken the bait, a lust for power has sealed your fate.

Scribed throughout the sands, of these tainted lands.
Alchemic sigils, weave my twisted web of deceit.
You've been ensnared, your life now fodder for my flame.
Hands reach forth from beyond the gate, to collect my offering.

[Guitar solo by Sanjay Kumar]

The all seeing eye, it beckons me, into a realm mere mortals dare not see.
I'm called into the void, once more I've seen the truth.
The apex of all space and time.

Finally at long last, I shall abandon this flask.

The land falls silent, as millions are sacrificed.
Granting me fathomless power and eternal life.
The limits of my abilities are unknown.
A living philosopher's stone.

The limits of my abilities are unknown.
A living philosopher's stone.

4. A Suit Of My Flesh

[Julien "Nutz" Deyres:]
Homunculous, what have you done?

[Stevie Boiser:]
Brother of mine...
Von Hohenheim!
I have escaped!

[Julien "Nutz" Deyres:]
What have you done to me?

[Stevie Boiser:]
I've gifted you a body that will last all eternity!

[Julien "Nutz" Deyres:]
At what cost? The lives of my countrymen have been lost!
And now you stand before me, draped in what appears to be
A suit of my flesh...
Answer me Homunculous!

[Stevie Boiser:]
I was born of your blood for that I've given you a name, awareness, knowledge, and purpose. A new life!
A vessel's what I've needed, so this elaborate scheme I did arrange...
I suppose you could say it's equivalent exchange...

[Stevie Boiser & Julien "Nutz" Deyres:]
Blood brothers entwined, 'til the end of time.
The depths of my schemes, will haunt your very dreams.
I'll shed this facade, and become a god.
Blood brothers, entwined 'til the end of time.

[Stevie Boiser:]
Can you feel them pulsing within?
The chorus of your comrades, slaves, and your King.
Echoing harmoniously in a wave of infinite screams...

[Guitar solo by Zach Hohn]
[Bass solo by Hugo Karout]
[Guitar solo by Nick Padovani]

[Julien "Nutz" Deyres:]
For this you will breathe your last.
I will return,
For now there is much to learn.

[Stevie Boiser:]
Go then Hohenheim...
You're trapped in this web of mine.

[Stevie Boiser & Julien "Nutz" Deyres:]
Blood brothers entwined 'til the end of time. The depths of my schemes will haunt your very dreams. I'll shed this facade and become a god. Blood brothers entwined 'til the end of time.

5. Shrouded



[Solo: Nick Padovani]

[Solo: Phil Tougas]

[Solo: Nick Padovani]

[Solo: Phil Tougas]

[Solo: Nick Padovani]

6. Sigil Insidious

[Stevie Boiser:]
Shrouded in sinister secrecy.
Arcane alchemy births pieces of me.
Willing my children into existence,
A force from which there is no resistance.

Birthing homunculi, embodiment of sin.
Casting out these imperfections, my ultimate scheme begins.

Using my seven deadly children and desires of man.
I string and harness the military of this chaotic land.
Pushing its borders beyond boundaries once perceived.
Alchemic atrocities, these puppets have been deceived.

Wrath, pride, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth, and greed.
Our goal is strangulation.
For each task will be assigned, children
We will reap the souls of this nation.

Populating propaganda, a constant state of war.
Blinded solders commit deeds of which they will abhor.
Orchestrating ominous onslaughts the Shadow King unspoiled.
Our territory stained by scarlet soil.

[Guitar Solo 1 by Nick Padovani]

[Guitar Solo 2 by Christian Muenzner]

Beneath the Surface... Sigil Insidious
Transmutation Circle... Unparalleled

Guiding the flow of this nation the Shadow King..

And artificial children fit to do his bidding.
Terrifying powers gifted by their crimson core.
Indispensable tools of war.

[Guitar Solo 3 by Christian Muenzner]

Wrath, pride, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth, and greed.
Our goal is strangulation.
For each task will be assigned, children
We will reap the souls of this nation.

Seeking sovereign sacrifices who've been beyond the gate.
Human transmutation has forever changed their fates.
Perilous preparations, the promised day is near.
The birth of a new god all the cosmos will revere!

Limits of my abilities are unknown,
And the depths of my schemes will haunt your very dreams.
Perilous preparations, the promised day is near.
The birth of a new god all the cosmos will revere!

Limits of my abilities are unknown,
And the depths of my schemes will haunt your very dreams.
Perilous preparations, the promised day is near.
The birth of a new god all the cosmos will revere!

7. Reincarnated



[Solo: Phil Tougas]

[Solo: Nick Padovani]

[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]

[Solo: Phil Tougas]

[Solo: Nick Padovani]

[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]

8. Dualis Flamel

We are the creeping tendrils of our Father
Wolves among sheep, herding the meek
Spreading the reach of his web of deceit
As he wills it, so shall it be
Manifestation of destiny

[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]

Malleable flesh, my guise that which I despise
An impostor, lurking Marionettes, unaware of their strings
Our agenda, triggering tragedy

Veiled in the suit of a soldier, complete with gun in hand
I'll return this child to your precious holy land

With but one life, I pluck upon the heartstrings of man
Tension turns the tide, calculating genocide

Predictable, the sheepish acts of mortal men
Cycles of bloodshed that never end Instill disorder, a task for we
Soulless servants of the Shadow King

[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]
[Solo: Malcolm Pugh]
[Solo: Colin Butler]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Malcolm Pugh]
[Solo: Colin Butler]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Hugo Doyon-Karout]
[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Malcolm Pugh]
[Solo: Colin Butler]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Malcolm Pugh]
[Solo: Colin Butler]

These eyes have witnessed the death of a nation
They have seen the horrors of war
These hands have cast innocence to the abyss
I have felt life turn to ash Alchemic soldiers carrying out grievous orders
Progressing esoteric agenda
I'll expose corruption of the senior staff
To do so, I must go deeper

My only chance at a semblance of redemption is to root out the evil within

[Solo: Phil Tougas]

Honorable though my intentions may be
My actions are treasonous
Behind the scenes, there lurk inhuman beings
Homunculi, the likes of which cannot die

For too long I've been a puppet
Now I see my true ambitions
Incinerate these miasmic fiends
Bring order to a nation

For every life stolen from my fellow man
Flames are on the rise
Cremating evil before my eyes

Homunculus, witch who ensnares the minds of men
This eve your heart shall burn in my hand
Cinder and ash once flesh and cell
Dualis Flamel

[Solo: Nick Padovani]

Homunculus, witch who ensnares the minds of men
This eve your heart shall burn in my hand
Cinder and ash once flesh and cell
Dualis Flame

[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]

Dualis Flamel

[Solo: Hugo Doyon-Karout]

Dualis Flamel

9. Eve Of The Promised Day


[Colin Butler: steel-string guitar]

[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]

[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]

[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]

[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]

10. Waking Divinity

Welcome to the halls of this, my unhallowed bastion
Sequestered deep beneath the stirring city streets
Sovereign sacrifices seized by my sickening silhouettes
Each bare a burden of sin steeped in hubris

Impetuous alchemists, you who dared to gaze upon the truth
Hopelessly trapped in this web of mine
For our fates are intertwined

For centuries I have waited
Now soon it shall come to pass
Fifty million amestrian lives
Will put untold power in my grasp

Closer now my offerings
For the moon has eclipsed the sun
Through you my desires will finally come into fruition

[Guitar solo]

[Bass solo]

The knowledge that Earth's collected since birth from iota,
To complex organism, is now mine
To complex organism, is now mine

Celestial waves wash over new graves
As I ascend to the heavens

[Guitar solo]

Tendrils reaching through the void
Bridging the realm betwixt gates
Into the eyes of the infinite cosmos

I am he who swallowed god
Omnipotence courses through me
No longer a mere philosopher's stone
Waking divinity

No longer bound by flask, nor suit of flesh
This planet, my throne
The cosmos, my quest

Impetuous alchemists, you dare to defy your deity
Your efforts are futile, your alchemy frugal
But this I'll grant of thee

Brother of mine
Von Hohenheim
I'll grant you the chance to speak your mind
For this eve you die

11. Ecliptic



[Nate Miller: Erhu, Saw]

[Ryan Cho: Viola]

12. Squall Of Souls

With each year's passing
Centuries seemingly everlasting
I walk amongst man, for they know not what I am
Born of fabled atrocity

Entombed within me are the lives of the lost
Tormented whispers and wails echo a great many tales
I carry with me the burden of your sin
Hundreds of thousands buried just beneath my skin

[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]

Those who reside inside have aided me in this plot
Centuries of strife
Your sins shall be for naught

Together this army of lost should stand to counteract your atrocities
This is the fall of the Demiurge
The death of a deity

A squall of souls coalesce in sky
Crimson clouds rain back departed lives

[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]

13. Cast Into Exile

Oh, this fate was unforeseen calamity
Dethroned by flesh-born treachery
From a gaping hole in my chest, emissaries outstretch
Pull me back to the void
Back to my genesis

[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]

Shrouded silhouettes reach forth, penumbra tearing me particle from particle
Beckoned by the ageless entity to palaver, the failure of my deeds
Why, God, why would you refuse to become one with me

Back to the void
Back to the truth
Cast into exile

[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]

Many names have I: the one, the all, the truth
They call me god, the world, the universe, and atom
For this eve I've summoned thee, you who so desperately wanted the all
The plot you sought, the onslaught
Defeated by humanoid squall

Why was my pursuit of the arcane a taboo
I merely sought to know the all to attain the truth

Dwarf you have not grown beyond your days in the flask
Merely expelled desires and acquired a flesh mask
The power in which you possess was stolen from those you detest
All of that so called knowledge, such arrogance must be repressed

For those who leave me besotted a special hell there is allotted
A fate truly tailored for your sins, symbolic retribution

[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Hugo Doyon-Karout]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]

Oh, you who have failed to see enlightenment
Out done by flesh-born quintessence
Behold your barren portal of truth, bleak with rancor
Once your genesis, now your terminus

Tell me what it was that I was supposed to do
Before I'm bound once more, I'm begging for the truth

Dwarf you have not grown beyond your days in the flask
Merely expelled desires and acquired a flesh mask
The door to your destiny is open wide
Do you dare take a look inside

Listen closely for the words on my breath sentence you to a fate worse than death
You who sought to have it all, condemned to a fate infinitesimal
Banished is your free will, now you shall be a nameless iota that dwells within me

[Solo: Tyler Cox]

Dwarf you have not grown beyond your days in the flask
Merely expelled desires and acquired a flesh mask
Listen closely for the words on my breath sentence you to a fate worse than death
You who sought to have it all, condemned to a fate infinitesimal
Banished is your free will, now you shall be a nameless iota that dwells within me

[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Phil Tougas]

14. Ouroboric


[Solo: Nick Padovani]
[Solo: Hugo Doyon:Karout]

[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Denis Shvarts]
[Solo: Jack Fliegler]
[Solo: Sanjay Kumar]
[Solo: Zach Hohn]

[Solo: Jimmy Pitts]

[Solo: Phil Tougas]
[Solo: Nick Padovani]

Thanks to stevieboiser for sending these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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